Jonathan offers relaxation, therapeutic and deep tissue bodywork that will help to alleviate tension, and diminish pain, therefore providing an overall sense of well-being. The human body has the innate ability to restore balance and optimum health when given the opportunity. Swedish, Neuromuscular Therapy, Myofascial Release, Cranio-sacral Therapy, Reflexology are the principal modalities that he uses in order to improve blood and lymphatic circulation while reducing soft tissue constrictions that contribute to acute, chronic and referred pain. Headaches, neck and shoulder pain, lower back pain, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome, TMJ, tennis elbow, rotator cuff problems are some of the common dysfunctions that are addressed. Massage Therapy or sometimes referred to as Bodywork, is a proven non-invasive treatment and provides a holistic approach to improved health and harmony.
For more information, please contact Jonathan at 267-254-4712 or
Office is located at 9 East Moreland Avenue in Chestnut Hill 19118